Sunday, December 16, 2007


       Well I just got up and looked out the window and guess what, it's snowing but it's suppose to turn to rain. CRAP!!!! There's about six inches of new snow and the wind is picking, I'm not looking forward to this but what the hell, what was I going to do today anyways. We'd probably just go out and spend money shopping.
       So  now the question  to  shovel or not to shovel,  that is the question.  Is it better  to remove the snow  or  wait to see  what Mother nature does. You know when it get wet I'll never move it and then tonight it's going to freeze so my question has been answered. Now I just have to get myself moving, COME ON OLD MAN, GET OFF YOUR BUTT.
        Well I'm back, not too bad. Only a couple of hours. Lucky I got it before it started raining but  but the plow still has to come all  I have to do is relax till it comes.
         I must be getting old. When I worked at the college  we'd  shovel  all night  and work the next day. AH,  the  good old days. Did I ever tell you about the time we woke up a whole dorm full of kid at 2am. Yea, It seems they didn't appreciate the job we did while they were tucked away in their beds during the prior snow storm so we had to remind them that the snow doesn't just magical disappear from the stairs and side walks. I think they got the message.No more complaints.
        Damn, it's about 2  o clock and the plow just came by so I guess my break is over. This is going to be nasty it's been raining for a while and that stuff must weigh a ton. Oh well I'll just take my time.
        That's it I quit. It's about 4 o clock. I'm glad I went out early this morning before it rained. Boy that stuff bot heavy but that's it. I'm DONE. At last till the next storm.   

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