Friday, December 21, 2007

Stop pointing fingers

      OK, I've about had my fill of who was responsible for the disaster on Dec 13th when we were hit with a snow storm and people were stuck in traffic. The fact is that there are just too many cars on the road today and when they all leave work at the same time you get grid lock no matter what the weather's doing.
      I have a suggestion, why don't people invest some money in SNOW TIRES. They made to work on snow. The tires they put on cars today called All Weather tires which are made to work in all weather but not very well in snow.
      Another thing that would help is to be courteous and obey the traffic lights, don't block intersections, once the traffic stops there you are, grid locked.
     Why not look at the bright side nobody died. Everyone made it home. even the children on the school buses, by the way I think the state or at least the city of providence should show their gratitude's to these school bus drivers with some kind of ceremony. They did a great job keeping your kids safe and warm.

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