Sunday, December 23, 2007

The game they play

         Here comes Santa Clause. Right about now the elves should be finishing up those last minute requests and Santa  is topping off  his reindeer with magic corn. Down here people are heading to the mall to pick up those special thing that even Santa can't get, you know the things that the big manufactures make every year but only ship just enough so people have to stand in line for hours in hopes of getting one. Every year it happens, Remember the Cabbage Patch Dolls, I Pod. Tickle Me Elmo? This year it's W II, what ever the hell that is.
        When will people learn? This whole thing is just a game they play and while your standing in line, out in the freezing cold with a bunch of strangers who will be pushing and shoving you as soon as the doors open the rich bastards, who caused this, are partying in their million dollar house drinking champagne , laughing and saying,  I can't believe they fall for this every year. How stupid can they be.Boy they really made my Christmas merry.I'm getting a new Vette with my bonus money, HA HA!!!!!
      If you want to know who they are, they're the people you see laughing all the way to the bank. No kidding. Next time your out treating yourself to dinner at Micky D's and you see a limo check the guy in the back seat. If he's laughing you can bet he's going to the bank.
     Well if your planning to go stand in line tomorrow dress warm bring a thermos of Christmas cheer cause even if you dint get one of those WII thing, what ever they are you can at least get Bombed. OH, don't drink and drive unless you too drunk to walk then have some one pick you up and stop by the bank on the way to Micky D's, nothing sobers you up like a Big Mack with cheese, and if you see someone laughing , flip him the bird and tell him #@@ YOU and MERRY CHRISTMAS.

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