Sunday, March 23, 2008


           In the news, It's been reported that President Bush has spent Easter Sunday searching the White House for Easter Eggs. According to a reliable source he was running from room to room mumbling  I know their here somewhere. My top intelligence  people  told me they were. They said they know where they were hidden. That's it, they were wrong about Saddam's weapons of mass dist-ruction and now this. Their all fired.
           In other news, The Easter Bunny, Allis Peter Rabbit, was arrested today and charge with animal abuse when an anonymous call notified authorities that he was putting colored dye into chicken feed which made the chicken lay different color eggs then he would sneak into their coops and steal the egg and hide them all over the world. If found guilty, he could get 5 years at hard labor, painting eyes on little marshmallow chickens.  

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