Monday, March 31, 2008

April Fools Day

           Do you know what tomorrow is? Its April 1st, YUP. April fools Day. Have you planed any good jokes to pull on your friends? You know tomorrow's the day to even the score with some of those people who's been aggravating you all year. You know the neighbor who walks his dog all the way down the street just to poop on your lawn.  I hope you've been saving it up just  for this occasion. You know what to do with it, be creative.
         How about the guy that takes your lunch out of the frig at work so you have to eat stale potato chips from the vending machine for dinner. Don't forget to stop at the bait shop on the way to work for a few worms to put on that sandwich he loves so much.
         Then of course  there's  always those little harmless pranks like, hey your shoe's untied or Super gluing a quarter to the floor and watching people trying to pick it up. Make sure there's a crowd around when you holler April fool day to the poor unsuspecting subject, kind of adds to the joke when he's humiliated in front of a crowd.
         So how ever you decide to celebrate this special day, have fun and do it in the name of good clean fun.. .  

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Anniversary

       This week was a big week for the war in Iraq, the 5 year anniversary of the war was celebrated with the death of our 4 thousandth soldier, who will probably remain nameless. That's the thing about making the ultimate sacrifice in war, nobody but your family and close friends will remember your name 6 months after you die. Sure maybe some day they'll put up a memorial to kind of justify the war and to honor the people who gave their all to spread democracy or to stop the spread of Communism,  that was the reason they gave me when I was  sent to Vietnam but.names on a wall are just that, they don't tell the whole story and when people visit the memorial the see names no faces or the person you were.
         Does anyone remember SGT PAUL RAY SMITH? I didn't think but he has an anniversary  coming up soon. SGT PAUL RAY SMITH was killed at Bagdad Airport in April 2003 and was awarded the Medal of  Honor in 2005. His son accepted it from our beloved president. Quite an honor but I'm sure he would of rather have received a hug from his father instead but that the price of war, everyone pays. I wonder if Mr Bush remembers SGT PAUL RAY SMITH.

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Sunday, March 23, 2008


           In the news, It's been reported that President Bush has spent Easter Sunday searching the White House for Easter Eggs. According to a reliable source he was running from room to room mumbling  I know their here somewhere. My top intelligence  people  told me they were. They said they know where they were hidden. That's it, they were wrong about Saddam's weapons of mass dist-ruction and now this. Their all fired.
           In other news, The Easter Bunny, Allis Peter Rabbit, was arrested today and charge with animal abuse when an anonymous call notified authorities that he was putting colored dye into chicken feed which made the chicken lay different color eggs then he would sneak into their coops and steal the egg and hide them all over the world. If found guilty, he could get 5 years at hard labor, painting eyes on little marshmallow chickens.  

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

What if?

           Right now I'm watching a documentary on the Irish mob and Joe Kennedy's ties to the mob and I wonder what would happen if John Kennedy was running for president today with the way the news media uses the dirt they dig up to sway the election one way or the other.
           Can you imagine the headlines, Presidential hopeful John Kennedy's father has ties to the mob, supplying booze to them during Prohibition. The press would have a Field day with all the dirt they could dig up on the Kennedy's. and maybe Nixon would have won. Make me wonder how history would have been changed, the Cuban missile crisis, the Vietnam conflict and Johnson would never have become president.
          Maybe if Nixon won there he may have stayed out of Vietnam which would mean no Anti war protesters and no hippies. Where would San Francisco be today with out the flower children? Amazing how easily history can be changed and the effect it could have the future.

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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Technology, GOOD?

         Has anyone noticed the increasing number of people walking around talking to themselves. They're everywhere. I've been told that they are talking on cell phones but I have my doubts. Some of these people don't look too stable. I mean if you need help on deciding if you should get one or two percent milk you got problems.
       Can you imagine being on the table in the operating room waiting for by pass surgery and and just before they put you under you hear the doctor say, what do you mean you want a divorce or he says , hello, yea, I think we got a spline for you, this guy won't even know it's gone. There's just some things you shouldn't say if you don't know who's listening.
       I think we're getting to the point where technology is controlling everything we do. From health care where robots can perform surgery to communications technology is in control. Ever watch How's it made on TV? How many humans do you see in those factories? In most cases not many. We are cloning animals and plants to produce more food. Hell you can't even get on a plane without going thru a scanner which can show things only god knows about, like that nipple ring you got on spring break that you never told your parents about.
       Some day there will be no need for books or even schools, we'll implant a chip in babies when their born and just down load information as they need it. Don't say that's not possible. I'm 60 years old and I've seen more change than anyone could have predicted would happen. I'd probably be dead today if it wasn't for the technology of implanting stents into veins and bypass surgery.  I can  remember when  you actually had to get up to change the channel  on the TV, why do you think my father had kid?
        Technology is good to a point. When it come to warfare, killing the so called enemy I think it's gone to far. It makes it too easy to kill. It can be done from miles away with with a push of a button with no danger to the assassin. This makes war less personal, clean which is not what war should be.
       Anyways next time your at the store hang a sign around your neck that says,  I'm not crazy. I'm talking on my cell phone, so I can tell who's nuts and who's not.

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