Monday, August 27, 2007

Is George's therapy finially working?Correction

      I see Mr Bush is showing real progress in his therapy. The other day he used the word VIETNAM, a subject he knows absolutely nothing about,now if he can just use the word MISTAKE to describe the war in Iraq he could be cured by the 2008 election.
    He talked about the millions of people killed after we pulled out but said nothing about the millions killed while the war was going on or the people in Vietnan and our Veterans who are dieing everyday from the effects of Agent Orange..
   Does he really think that if we pull out now or ten years from know the( out come will be the same) or is he trying to hold on till he leaves office so he can blame the next administration for the disaster that will follow the pull out.
   I don't think there is any way he will pull our troops out but there is something else that disturbs me. Something that hasn't gotten much news coverage, the fact that he is going to declare the Iranian Revolutionary Guard an international terrorist organization. They say it's so they can install tougher sanction but what they don't say, it also justifies attacks on terrorist training camps inside Iran. Iran would take that as an act of war and I don't even want to think about that. I hope George isn't that stupid but it some thing to think about.

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Is George's therapy finially working?

      I see Mr Bush is showing real progress in his therapy. The other day he used the word VIETNAM, a subject he knows absolutely nothing about,now if he can just use the word MISTAKE to describe the war in Iraq he could be cured by the 2008 election.
    He talked about the millions of people killed after we pulled out but said nothing about the millions killed while the war was going on or the people in Vietnan and our Veterans who are dieing everyday from the effects of Agent Orange..
   Does he really think that if we pull out now or ten years from know the out come Will be different or is he trying to hold on till he leaves office so he can blame the next administration for the disaster that will follow the pull out.
   I don't think there is any way he will pull our troops out but there is something else that disturbs me. Something that hasn't gotten much news coverage, the fact that he is going to declare the Iranian Revolutionary Guard an international terrorist organization. They say it's so they can install tougher sanction but what they don't say, it also justifies attacks on terrorist training camps inside Iran. Iran would take that as an act of war and I don't even want to think about that. I hope George isn't that stupid but it some thing to think about.

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

In thw news,

     In the news, the word around Washington is that Laura Bush is worried about the president. It seems that the president is having trouble sleeping since Carl Rove has left. When asked she stated that it started when Donald Rumsfeld resigned but now that Carl is gone George has no one to tuck him in at bed time and bring him warm milk and read the days briefings to him till he falls asleep.  She stated next week he has an appointment with DR. Phil to discuss his problem.
    In other news, Craco Products announced the introduction of an instructional video to teach the most defensive drivers to drive more aggressively. It instructs the viewers on every thing from weaving thru traffic to the correct use of hand gestures, when and how the should be used.. 

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Litter problems.

Did you know that in Pawtucket the street sweepers have the power to issue parking tickets?  I think that many other small towns could learn a lesson from Pawtucket.  This would allow the important job of street sweeping to be done with greater ease and we would see a lot less litter when we drive down the street.


I think we should even revoke a persons drivers license if they do not pay street sweeper tickets as Pawtucket does.  Litter is a massive issue that we need to take seriously.


When someone walks through your neighborhood and accidentally drops a random candy bar wrapper in the street they should have the right to have it swept away at your expense, even if you aren't allowed to drive because of it.


Just having a flawless driving record and not littering yourself is not enough to keep yourself on the road.  When your town needs to clean up other people’s trash from the road, you had better get out of the way.


However, we should draw the line at visitors from out of state.  If they do not pay their tickets we really can't take away their licenses, so we need to take advantage of our own citizens as much as possible to show those “out-of-staters” that we mean business.


Now if you will excuse me I'm going to go pay my street sweeper tickets for the other night when I couldn't find parking near my house in Pawtucket.  Even the best of us need to pay for clean roads that good drivers really never look at because they are focused on the traffic in front of them.  And remember, there is nothing wrong with being a horrible driver so long as you can find a proper place to park your car.



A Proud Pawtucket Citizen

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I'm back.

      Well I haven't written any thing in a while so hear goes.Time to get a few things out that really gets to me. I see we lost 5 more people, that's what they are, in Iraq yesterday but I guess that's the price we have to pay for democracy but why don't we hear about Iraqi losses. Sure we hear about civilians lost to bombings but we seldom hear about losses to the Iraqi military. We hear that they are not ready to take over the security of their country. Our president say when they stand up our troops can come home, maybe what they need is a little on the job training. Experience is the best teacher and where is the Iraqi government? On vacation because it's too hot. What price are they paying? 
     OK, my grand kids were here for a while, all 4 of them and we were going thru about a gallon of milk a day. Does anyone know what a gallon of milk cost? How about $4.50, That's crazy. It's cheeper to give them beer and they'd be alot happier. Why aren't people complaining about it? If gas was $4.00 a gallon people would be screaming. 
     Next, Where are all the police on the high ways? People are out there doing 90 MPH, killing each other. I don't care if they kill themselves cause I figure the high way will be safer without them but I don't want them to take me with them. Why do we have speed limit signs if no ones there to enforce them, maybe we should just take them down and save money on their maintenance and put up signs that say NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR INJURY OR LOSS OF LIFE, DRIVE AT YOUR OWN RISK. At least it would take the state off the hook. 
     Finally, Cell phones. People talk on the constantly, in grocery stores, restaurants, movie theaters,and the one that really gets me is while they are driving. What the hell is so important? Do we really need to be in contact 24 hours a day or are we just brain washed. Hell I have enough voices in my head with out a damn cell phone. Some day people will be lining up to have a chip placed in their head so they won't have to carry a phone. I fear that technology is taking over our lives, just look at me. I never wrote anything before I was introduced to a computer.
     There I feel much better now.  

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