Wednesday, August 30, 2006

In the news, Iranian response

        In the news, it's been reported that the Iranian president is having a big smiley face shaved on his butt tonight for his response to the U.N. demands that his country stop their nuclear program.
       According to our reliable source, the royal barber was summoned to the presidential palace at the request of the Iranian who plan to deliver his response at high noon tomorrow. He was over heard stating that he wanted to make his response perfectly clear and a high noon moon should do just that.
       In other news, the makers of Spam have announced that they will be coming out with a new product called Spoose which will be made from the Poose which is half pig and half goose. They plan to target the kosher market because the Poose has been approved by Rabi Herman Swortz for those on a kosher diet.  

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Monday, August 21, 2006

In the news.

     In the news. the Rhode Island Sand Police reported that they recovered 500 pounds of sand over the weekend at state beaches. It was reported that Mr Harry Buttz, of Putnam, Conneticut, was found to have two pounds of sand hidden in his belly button durring a search at Sand Hill Cove.
     Authorities stated that the first weekend of searches was a great success and that they will continue the searches Thur of Labor Day weekend. 
      In other news, Joe Lieberman stated today that any rumors of he and President Bush having an affair is not true and that the kiss the president gave him meant nothing to him. He also stated that there was no tongue involve as reported on CNN. 
      The white house had no comment.

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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Who's winning?

      HEY, Who's winning? We're still losing people in Iraq,about two a day and Afghanistan is getting worse, yesterday we lost four people, but who's counting? Not George Bush and his boys. 
    Who is the real enemy? If you've been paying attention you can see that sooner or later we'll have to deal with Iran, the biggest supplier of wepeon and training to terrorist in the middle east and around the world. At least we call then terrorist actually Iran is building the biggest army in the world. Call them what you want but they are really soldiers and they are trained and equipped very well and are almost impossible to beat because they have been trained not only physically but mentally to fight against Israel and the United States. For years they have been conditioning their people, in schools and Thur their religion to hate Israel and the U.S.
    With George Bush's war on Iraq, we've been drawn into a no win situation and Iran is loving it. Not only is it a war we can't win but we can't afford it and they know our military is stretched too thin and can't physically take on another conflict else where in the world because for one thing we have isolated our selves from our so called allies by invading Iraq. 
    So I guess if you had to answer my question, who's winning? you'd have to say Iran. They have created an unbeatable force because to win you not only have to beat them physically but menially and their forces are in bedded in every country around the world.. 

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Monday, August 14, 2006

In the news, inspection at the beaches

    In the news, The Department of Enviormental Management reported today that Rhode Island beaches are slowly disappearing and turning up in Connecuit.
   According to authorities people from Connecuit dressed as tourist are going to Rhode Island beaches and removing the sand in their shoes and pockets, some have gone so far as to hiding the sand between their toes and in their butt cracks, bringing it back to Connecuit and depositing it on their shores to create new beaches to increase the real estate value of their homes. 
   The DEM spokesperson stated that starting Saturday August 19th Sand Police will be stationed at all state beaches to ensure that no sand is removed from the beaches. All items will be checked and anyone caught taking sand will be held up by their ankles and shaken to be sure no sand is in their hair or on their clothing. So if you plan on going to the beach on Saturday August 19th plan on leaving a little earlier to allow time for an inspection by the Sand Police.

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

New from Cracko Products.

     Are you hot and sticky? Is the sweat dripping off your nose , running down your back into your underwear? Do you stick to the seat when you go to stand up? Then this is your lucky day. Cracko products has just what you need. Coolass canbe is for you. Coolass canbe is the revolutionary chair pad that is filled with a secret liquid that you can put in the freezer overnight and it stays cool all day. But it will get hard if it freezes you say. Oh no it won't, our secret liquid never gets hard no matter how long it's in the freezer so you people with hemorrhoids will have no problem sitting on Coolass Canbe.
    Coolass Canbe stay cool for up to ten hours so it's great for work. Your co workers will wonder how you stay cool while they're dripping in sweat. Coolass Canbe is also great in your car, no more sitting on those hot vinyl seat. Even old Fido will love Coolass Canbe, just pop one in his bed and Fido will
     Hi, I'm Harry Mary and I just love my Coolass Canbe. I took mine to the beach and while others around me were sweating covered in sand I was coolass canbe. The life guard even asked where he could get a Coolass Canbe chair pad. I told him just call Cracko products at 1 800 Craco and for just $29.99 he can have his very own.
     Yes, that's right just call Cracko products at 1 800 Cracko and for just $29.99 you can have your very own Coolass Canbe chair pad, two for $40. Order now and receive a third pad free.Visa,Master card accepted. We do not accept American Express. 

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Out of the news.

      Isn't it amazing how the media shifted it's attention from the Iraq war where our soldiers and the Iraqi civilians are still dieing every day to the Israel, Lebanon conflict. The USA Today had nothing about the Iraq war except for a little article with the name of our soldiers who were killed over the last week. Even on the nightly news it was all Israel and Lebanon
     I guess the Iraq war is old news now and Israel and Lebanon is where the money stories are now. George Bush can finally breathe easy now. The heats off, nows the time to pull some sneaky deals to bring the troops home in time for the election. 
    This whole world situation is crazy. The United States sell weapons to Israel, China and Russia are supplying Iran and Syria, who in turn is supplying the  terrorist organization Hezbollah, who in turn attacks Israel, who in turn attacks Lebanon It's like giving little  kids sticks to play with and being surprised when someone get hurt. Here take the weapon and play nice.Mom, Hezbollah rocketed my city so I blew up his city. They killed 10 of my citizens so I killed 100 of his.
   I think instead of trying to control nuclear weapon they should control the real weapons of mass destruction.

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