Thursday, January 29, 2009

New bail out plan.

          What the hell is going on in washington with all this bail out money? Here's an idea, why not just send every american house hold a blank check and let them pay off all their bill. That way the banks and credit card companies will get their money, the people will have no debt and we can start all over again.
          I mean the first bail out was $750 billion and Obama's is about $900 billion that's about a trillion and a half dollars is you devide that by the number of house holds in our country we should get quite a chunck of change, right? I know it would put a big dent in my debt. At least I would know where the money went unlike the first $250 billion the haved out.
         I don't understand why our brilliant elected officials would hand money over to the same people who caused our problem in the first place. It's like the police putting a drunk driver back in the car and send him on his merry way when he should be going to jail.
        Speaking of jail, why hasn't any of these CEO been sent to jail instead they are collecting millions in perks. The guy on the news yesterday spent a million and a half redecorating his office while people are looseing their homes. Nice to see our money's going for a good cause.
        Anyways, I don't think my idea's going to happen, it too easy. They like to make things complecated so you can't follow the money. 

Monday, January 26, 2009

Fwd: Fw: Dave the Taco Bell Manager

Note: forwarded message attached.

Fwd: Fw: Dave the Taco Bell Manager

Note: forwarded message attached.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


       Yesterday Mr Bush escaped and return to Texas where everything will be hunky dory, there are no problems in the land of Oz, Crawford,Texas. No financial problems, no employment problems, he can leave all our problems behind. Unfortunately the problems he will leave behind will be felt for many years by our children and grandchildren.
      What will his legacy be? The first preemptive strike on another country by America, taking our country to war on false information, raising our debt by trillions of dollars and the worse economic crisis since the great depression but look on the bright side there is only one more Bush that an run for president. Jeb.He should be ready for 2012.
       You'll have to excuse me I'm having Bush withdrawal. My favorite president is gone and it's too early to pick on the new one. I mean even George took a few days to screw up, had to take my final shot at George. I'm sure Obama will get his share of criticism and it will be interesting to see how the press handles it. I mean how do you criticize our first black president with out ruffling some feather?
      Anyways so long George, it's been fun. I'll always remember the good times we've had. Good luck Barack, you'll need it. I'll be watching.  

Thursday, January 15, 2009


           IN THE NEWS, A call went out from the Friends of animals today for donations to buy fur lined under ware for the brass monkey's in the capital city today. A spokesperson state that the under ware is needed to keep the monkeys from loosing their testicles in this sub zero weather. He stated that since the weather turned frigid their emergency room has been flooded by monkey's who have lost one or both their testicles. He also stated that if your find a testicle you should put in to a jar of warm water and bring it to their emergency room, in some cases it can be reattached when the weather warms up.
         IN OTHER NEWS, President Bush stated at his last news conference that the best thing about leaving the White House is that papa_d won't have him to kick around any more.      

Thursday, January 01, 2009
