Wednesday, February 18, 2009

what the meaning?

       Today I was at the grocery store and I saw this guy with his ball cap turned off to the side. I got wondering what this could mean if his head was a smart meter and with the bill in front where it is suppose to be meaning normal this guy would be one step away from moron with the bill on nine.
        Of course if the position mean the higher the number the bill is on the smarter he is he could be almost a genius. You never know.
         Maybe he was walking down the isle and some one says HEY JOE and he turned around so fast his hat couldn't keep up to his head.
         Then again maybe his mother said, SON, BE HOME AT NINE ,so he put the bill on nine so he wouldn't forget.
         Next time I see him at the store I'm going to sneek up behind him and say HEY,JOE WHAT TIME DID YOU MOTHER TELL YOU TO BE HOME. I should get an answer to my question.  

Friday, February 13, 2009

Who decides?

         This morning on the news was a report on a plane crash in Buffalo New York were 49 people on the plane and 1 on the ground died. It kind of makes me wonder why just 1 person on the ground died. I mean what are the odds that this one person would get hit by a plane. Was he in the wrong place at the right time or the right place at the wrong time? Maybe he was at the right place at the right time.Who decides? Does the big guy have a big book with all our names in it and when he gets bored he opens it randomly to any page, run his finger down and say, Hmmm, Joe Shmooe it's your turn.
         I wonder if it's like a video game. Does he have a screen and a joy stick and has to guide the plane to his target. Wouldn't it be easier just to strike him with lightening? That raises the question was it was the people on the plane time to go and he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
        You know it's like being that one guy that has the only winning ticket to Power Ball out of the millions of tickets sold only the prize is better if you believe in heaven.If you don't it's like loosing the ticket.  

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


          Question, is putting a TARP over the STIMULUS PACKAGE like wearing a condom before screwing the American people? Why don't they tell us where the money for all these programs is coming from? All they say is it will create jobs and get us back on the right track. What is the right track anyways? Does some one in Washington, the switch man, have the job of watching the economy and throwing a switch to keep us on the right track? Why wasn't he fired for falling asleep at the switch?
        Speaking of being fired, why has none of these CEO gone to jail? Instead they threw 350 billion dollars at them and have no idea what they did with it but don't worry they'll keep an eye on the next 350 billion dollars, RIGHT? Who going to watch the watcher? Then of course the is the 900 billion dollars in the stimulus package, it might take a couple of people, a Republican and a Democrat, to watch that money, Which is going for infer structure projects.You know like the Big Dig in Boston that ended up costing just a little over budget. Projects that are paid for by federal money have a problem staying with in their budget and the government has a problem following the money but what the hell, we'll be on the right track. RIGHT?
         Of course some of the money will go to developing new technology like clean burning coal, which has to be dug out of the ground and leaves a big hole, I'm sure they'll find something to fill it with. It would be a good place to put all that paper work that they  is created in Washington that nobody reads. You know like the speeches that our elected officials give and have them put into the official record of congress. Ya, the speeches they give in the empty room on cspan that only two people in the entire country watch.
          I haven't written anything in a while and I feel much better now. I guess I was having Bush withdrawal. papa_d is back.