Wednesday, June 25, 2008


        Yesterday I decided to do a job I've been putting off for a while, fixing the exhaust on my wife's car which consists of cutting out a section of pipe and replacing it with anther piece, no problem right?  Well I guess God was having one of those bust Bobby days not because things went terribly wrong but because it was the little things that only god could think of to aggravate me.
        I had no problem cutting out the bad piece then I had to go to the parts store to get two connectors to put the new piece in with, Well $15 later I returned home with parts worth 6 bucks but I learned where not to buy my parts from so it wasn't a total loss. OK back to work. I get the old piece I cut out and line it up with the new one, has to be the same length, right? Cutting it was no problem, hell I'll be done in no time. I crawl back under the car, I just love crawling under my vehicles in the drive way getting covered in crap, Very manly. Now I have to clean up the ends of the pipes with my trusty file so the connectors will slip over them. After filing and fitting a few hundred times I finally decide, Good Eough, lets get it together.
        Here we go. I put the first connector on and with a couple of wackes with a hammer its on, yea. now I put in the new piece and push it up to see how it fits, Damn too long, gota cut off about 2 inches. This is not as easy as it sounds cause now instead of having a 2 foot piece of pipe to cut from I now have this 1 foot piece to try to hold while cutting it with my piece of crap saws all with a blade that was worn out 3 jobs ago. Well I try to hold the damn thing a hundred different way and I'm half way Thur it and I finally say F### it and go get my hack saw, ten minutes later I'm back under the car. Now it fits but I have to undo the hanger on the muffler and drop it down so I can line up the two pipes and the connector. 
       About this time GOD decides to add a little excitement to his plan and I hear thunder in the distance. GREAT. I'm not stopping now. The hanger on the muffler is not too hard to get loose. It has a bracket the go around the muffler and has one bolt to tighten up and the thing has a tab the slaps into the bracket on the car, no problem.
       Now the muffler is down . I get things lined up but I can't get the muffler back up and if that's not bad enough it starts sprinkling just enough to make me think that it'll be pouring any moment cause it's been thundering for about 20 minutes so I get up , pick up my tool and put them back in my truck. Guess what, yea, it stops sprinkling as I'm walking to the house. Son of a b###. I go back and get my wrenches and there's this huge clap of thunder at which point I look up at the sky and say, Go ahead strike me. You'll be doing me a favor.
        Well I crawl under again and I guess god figured enough was enough cause every went together like I knew what I was doing and I was done in no time. I put my tools away and got in the house just before it started to rain. I guess he just want to say GOT YA.   

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The little guy takes another hit.

       I can't believe our so called Representatives would even consider ending the Energy Assistance program while continuing to subsidize private schools. The energy assistance program helps many low income citizens of our state who will no heat or electric this winter with out help unlike the citizens who choose to send their kids to expensive private schools. I heard a statement that if they cut the subsidy to these private schools some may close and these privileged kids will have to go to a public school. heaven forbid. These are private school that are run as a business and  people choose to send their kids there unlike low income people who won't have the choice when it comes to heat their home when the temperature drops below freezing this winter. 
      Once again the little guy takes the hit. With all the cuts in other social programs this is just another slap in the face of our states lower income citizens but I hope these lower income citizens remember that a votes value is not adjusted according to income and they use it wisely in nNovember.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


      Happy Father's Day. This is a good day to look back to the good old days when you wondered if you should let you kids live another day. You know like the time your daughter came home with her new boy friend who had purple hair and a nose ring, ear rings,among other piercing you don't even want to think about. How about the time junior ran his bike into the side of your brand new car, OUCH. Yea, we all have these precious memories but looking back now they kind of bring a smile to your face.
     Then other memories bring a tear to your eye like the father and daughter dances, the time junior, the kid who cristend your new car, scored his first touch down in pee wee foot ball. Walking your daughter down the isle, your son telling you he was going to become a dad all make being  father special.
     So enjoy the day. Take a look back. Don't forget to remember those special gifts you received over the years too, the hand made cards made at school, the sycodelic tie that you just had to wear to work only to find that most of the fathers you worked with had similar ties to be proud of. and to all you new fathers, the best is yet to come. HAPPY FATHERS DAY.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Humpy Dumpty pushed?

            Did Humpty Dumpty fall or was he actually pushed? That is the question to be explored on Cold Case Files this week. According to a spokesperson for the TV program new evidence has surfaced that could put a new spin on the case.
            Rumor has it that Mr Dumpty was having an affair with the Old Lady that lived in the shoe and was actually the father of her tenth child was behind in his child support payments. According to their reliable source The Old Lady called Mr Dumpty an asked to meet him at the wall. When she arrived Mr Dumpy was sitting on the wall looking over the kingdom and she sat down beside him. An argument ensued and when she got up to leave she put her hand on his shell to aid her in raising and accidentally pushed him off the wall. She was upset and ran off because she was afraid that she would be blamed for his death. She went to the phone booth at the corner of Thirty Third and Third street and called 911. but when all the kings horses and all the kings men arrived Mr Dumpty had lost too much yoke and couldn't be helped.
           Authorities have not released any imformation on the case but state that they are reopening the case after recieving the new imformation from Cold Case Files.