Monday, January 28, 2008


       In the news, President George Bush will audition for the TV program last comic standing while giving his State of the Union address tonight. According to the presidents spokesperson, the president will be out of work soon and he is looking at a career as a stand up comic to supplement his income.
        The spokesperson stated that because the president is so busy people will be asked to phone in to give the president the thumbs up or down on the presidents performance. To vote thumbs up dial 1 800 YEA  GEORGE, thumbs down 1 800 BYE GEORGE.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008


        Well after listening to the Democratic debate I realize I have no one to vote for in the up coming election. These candidates were questioned for an hour and didn't answer one question. When questioned they would use their silver tongues to maneuver all around the subject but never really answering it. leaving the viewers dazed and confused. Me, I spent my time switching between the debate and Death Wish Two on channel 25, kind of a cheerful break from the debate.
       Why would anyone want to be president anyways? Look what you'd be walking into. A trillion dollar deficit, a war we can't pay for, high oil prices, a crash in the housing market  and who can forget  health care and terrorism. Makes me want to throw my hat into the ring but I guess they have their reasons, I think they're all green.
       I can't wait for the Republican debate. Their slicker than a bucket full of eels. I hope there something good on 25 that night, you know something cheery like the Titanic movie.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Fwd: Try it!!

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Here we go, another election year.

       Well here we go again, election year with the primaries, coccus's, presidential hopefuls and lets not forget all the experts telling us what the candidates just said because what you just heard is not what they just said, or was it? So that's what we have to look forward to?  It's going to be a long eleven months till election day. I mean look at the choices we have. If they are the best the two parties can offer we have a serious problem in this country. Not one has a clue on how to solve the problems our country has. Yea, they run their mouths and make all promises but no real plan.
      What I want to hear is what they're going to do with our trillion dollar deficit,  when will our troops come home?  How about  interest rates on credit cards,  some as high as thirty percent. They are no more than loan sharks. How about the home mortgage problem? They give money with a variable interest rate, to people who they know had no business even applying for a mortgage and then do nothing to help them when the rate goes up and people lose their houses. Seems to me if they brought the rate back to the original rate that people could afford they would get their money back and people would still be in they're houses.Of course the mortgage companies wouldn't make billions in interest. Maybe that should be the price for not seeing what was going to happen when rates went up or did they plan on the government  bailing them out?
      Hey maybe I should run for president. Anyone got an extra hundred million bucks they want to throw away? You can be my vice president.

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Fwd: FW: CBS couldn't shut him up !

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Saturday, January 05, 2008


     IN THE NEWS, The Governor of Iowa announced today that thanks to all the presidential hopefuls spreading manure all over his state that farmers there are expecting a bumper crop this year.
     IN OTHER NEWS, The  Governor  of R.I. has sent a Representative to lake Tahoe to get a few pointers on how they manage to keep things moving during to days huge snow storm when they could get up to ten feet of snow. While he is there he will also do a little gambling and skiing.

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