Monday, February 27, 2006


    The other day in the Providence Journal was and article and in the article it stated that Steve Kass makes a salary of $111,000 as the Governor Media administrator. As a state employee I take this as a slap in the face. How many more consultants and administrators are there making this kind of money when the Governor want to cut the benefits of the working people.
     If the governor wants to balance his budget, do it on their back, not on the backs of the state workers that are doing the work that keeps the state running, like institutional attendants, maintenance people, cleaners and others that do the real work and are paid a lot less than they deserve.
    The fact is that state government is top heavy. There are more Directors and Assistant directors, Administrators and their assistants then there are department all making big salaries, maybe if the governor abolishes some their jobs the governor could hire some people to do the real work and wouldn't need to hire so many highly paid contractors to do our jobs.
     The citizens of Rhode Island should question why there are so many bosses and so few people doing the real work and why are there so many highly paid contractor doing the work that state employee used to do. We pay into the pension fund they don't.
                                        Robert Davis
                                        15 Peace Pipe Trail
                                        Smithfield, R.I., 02917
                                        401 949 2948

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Saturday, February 25, 2006


     Well Valentines Day has come and gone and so has that ten pounds of chocolate. Yea, and where is it now? That's right your sitting on it, but today is your lucky day, for just three easy payments of $49.95 you can purchase the amazing Bum Buster. It simple and easy to use and in just three month your bum will be admired by bum watchers everywhere. Your close friend will be asking you, Ofeelya, what did you do to your bum?It's so small and round and your husband won't be able to keep his hand off of it.
     Bum Buster is simple and easy to use. Just follow the instruction in our free video that comes with the Bum Buster and walk five mile a day and you'll shaping that big old Bum into a work of art that Michael Angello would be proud of.
     WARNING: because of some of the position require in the use of this product,  discontinue use if any pain or paralysis accrues.
      Warranty void if any chocolate is consumed will using this product.

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Thursday, February 23, 2006

In the news, Forclosure notice

     In the news, It was learned today that the Bush Administration has used the states of Alabama and Mississippi as collateral for loans it has received from China and China is forclosing because the administration has been late on its payments.
    As of April first China will take control of the two states if full payment is not made. Chinese authorities stated that it plans to make the two states into a huge manufacturing center where it will produce every thing from egg rolls to autos and will require the citizens of these two states to work for fifty cents an hour, sixteen hours a day, seven days a week.
    A spokesperson for the state of Alabama, Mr Billy Bob Swartz stated, We'll take this to the supreme court. The Administration had no right to use our states as collateral.
   The Bush administration stated that they had to come up with some quick cash to start the war with Iraq and this was the best way to do it. They stated that according to the war powers act the president had the authority to make the deal. They stated that they plan to borrow money from the social security system to pay off the loan and avoid the forclosure.

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Sunday, February 19, 2006

In the news, SPCA looking for donations

   In the news, the SPCA of Rhode Island is looking for donations. A spokesperson for the organization stated that they are looking for donations to buy Beak and Feet warmer for the pigeons of down town Providence. He stated that with the frigid weather there has been a drastic increase of frost bite among the pigeons and that they have no more room at their shelter. He stated that for just $19.99 you can buy enough beak and feet warmers for 20 pigeons. Donations can be sent to The SPCA of R.I., Visa and Master Card excepted. We done not accept American Express.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day.

    Happy Valentines Day, did you get you Honey some thing special? Yea, I saw you at the drug store today looking frantically over the few boxes of candy that were left, Why do we wait till the very end to pick something out every year? It's not like we don't know Valentines Day is coming, the candy and cards have been out there since the day after New Years but still we put it off till we're driving home from work and then we all meet at the drug store or the super market. I think I saw some of you at the mall Christmas Eve with that same frantic look on your face.
    Maybe putting gift buying off till the last minute is only for the real special people who love the challenge of finding the that real special gift after everyone else took the easy way out and bought early.Yea, it takes nerves of steel to hold out till the last minute. I know how tempted we get when we're at the store, maybe a week before, and we see that perfect card or box of candy but we stand our ground and wait. We wait for that last minute thrill of victory, YES, SUCCESS. we pulled off the impossible again, The Perfect Gift. See you at the bakery on St Joseph's day looking for those last minute Zapola's.  

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Saturday, February 11, 2006

In the news, secret tape revealed

   In the news, on a pre war secret tape from the Oval office, obtained by a confidential source, Vice President Channey can be heard taunting the President in to go to war in Iraq. He can be heard saying, Sadam is telling everyone that you don't have the balls to attack Iraq. He says your a girly boy like your old man. He told Putun you'll never find his weapons of mass distruction.
  The President can be heard saying, he said what? I'll show him who's got balls. OK  Dick lets kick his A#@, and when it's over I'll be a hero. I know, I'll fly a fighter jet on to an aircraft carrier and declare victory. That'll show him who's got balls. 
   When asked how he would justify the war to the American people the president stated, we'll tell them he has weapon of mass distruction and when we don't find any we'll say we're bringing democracy to the middle east, you know they'll believe anything we tell them once our troops are commited.
   A spokesperson for the White House denies the tape even exists. When asked the spokesperson responded, Of coarse he has balls.Don't ask me how I know.
   In other news, Valentines day is just around the corner and Hallmark and Hershey Chocolate has combind to make an eatable Chocolate Valentines Day card so you can tell her you love her and after you get what you want ha ha, you can eat your words and deny everything.

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Monday, February 06, 2006

Who decides?

     I've was home sick today and was watching the surveillance hearings which didn't make me feel any better.I came to the conclusion that there are too many laws to the point that they can't tell if the law is being broken or not.
     The Attorney General says because of the war powers act they don't  need a warrant but the Democrats and some Republicans say they do. Who decides?
     The thing that people should be worried about is what other things can they do without a warrant and when does the War Powers act end. There is no specific time period and we could be fighting the war on terror forever, what other rights will we loose in the name of the war on terror?

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