Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fwd: Best Illusion Ever


--- On Tue, 5/12/09, oldsmoothie42146@aol.com <oldsmoothie42146@aol.com> wrote:
From: oldsmoothie42146@aol.com <oldsmoothie42146@aol.com>
Subject: Fwd: Best Illusion Ever
To: papa_d54@yahoo.com, joann_k_davis@yahoo.com, rajr479@aol.com, Humbird213@aol.com, vikkiaviau@yahoo.com, Mobro819@aol.com
Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 6:52 PM

-----Original Message-----
From: Donna Irish <dirish1961@yahoo.com>
To: Cathy Brown <chatteecatti@aol.com>; D Figurski <damidfig@yahoo.com>; D.Sikol <DOUGIEDETROIT@MSN.COM>; Doris Tolliver <djtoll@mrtc.com>; Gary Despots <garyd2@att.net>; Jeanne Nowak <jeannenowak@wowway.com>; Jim Wirth <jimwi@charter.net>; Judy Tarr <gtarr0566@charter.net>; Kelli Mink <sassyk70@yahoo.com>; Kelly Gorney <wmc22001@yahoo.com>; Linda and Dan Pittman <bangledan@yahoo.com>; Linda R.I. <meema1021@aol.com>; Melba Wright <mwrightllwhc@yahoo.com>; Pam Despots <pam1969@att.net>; Paul Despots <rodderpaul@aol.com>; Regina Padrick <RMT1274@comcast.net>; Ronald Allard <oldsmoothie42146@aol.com>; Sonia <mikeandsonia@wideopenwest.com>; steven giattino <giattinosteven@att.net>; Susan Risher <ssrisher@comcast.net>; Tom Koller <balloonman@wowway.com>
Sent: Mon, 11 May 2009 9:23 pm
Subject: Fw: Best Illusion Ever


Subject: Fw: Best Illusion Ever
You tell me!! Can you figure it out?
This will mess with your head.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

papa_d's mother's Day list

        Well Mother's day is tomorrow and you guessed it, it's time for papa_d54's mothers day list which is a list of people who just deserve to be on somebodies list.            
        First on my list every year is the women who passes me on the highway doing 90mph with two kids in the back seat while checking her makeup in the rear view mirror and talking on the cell phone.
       Here's another of my favorites, to the guy who drives right behind me while I'm backing out of a parking space. I know you see me and you know who you are.
      Here's to the guy who stocks the shelves at the grocery store who always put the items I want on the top shelf all the way to the back.HA.HA, VERY FUNNY!! Watch the old man break his neck.
     Here's to the guy who coughs and sneezes all over the food at the Chinese buffet. Very appetizing, thanks for ruining my dinner.
     Here's to the genius who came up with the idea of putting eight hot dog buns in a package when there are ten hot dog in a package.Bet you got a raise for that one.
     I could probably go on all night cause there's a lot of deserving people out there but I'll give you one more OK, Here's to our elected officials who have been throwing money around like it belongs to them. IT'S NOT YOURS. IT'S OURS, THE PEOPLE WHO PUT YOU WHERE YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     Finally to George Bush, just because.  

Sunday, May 03, 2009

            Well it's Sunday morning and it's been quite a week. Obama has completed his first one hundred days and all the news people have been interviewing their experts about Obama's performance. Lets see, he probably spent more money in his one hundred days than any president in our countries history. He is probably the only president in our history to force the CEO of a private company to step down. He released documents on water boarding of suspected terrorist and closed Guantanamo and hinted that some involved in water boarding could be charged. He also got his presidential dog. Just to name a few of his accomplishments. Some he inherited like spending money, this was left behind by Mr Bush but I can't see how we can fix a financial crisis by  pushing people to use credit instead of paying off these bills and learning If you can't afford it you probably don't need it.
         This wasn't suppose to be about Obama's hundred day but I think he's done some things that I don't agree with. Releasing documents about interrogations of suspected terrorist is not in the best interest of our country. This move by our president will limit our ability to obtain information from detainees in the future. Some so called experts say water boarding doesn't work but it doesn't hurt either, Bamboo chutes under you finger nails hurts,Water boarding scares the hell out of you. You don't get the information by being nice, nobody can prove that works.  I, myself  believe war is hell, ask anyone who's been there. I believe all this new technology we've developed to fight a clean war, to attack the enemy from a great distance, only encourages war. It may save lives but it remove the human aspect of war, fear. I'm in favor of the draft because it involves all people in the war not just the patriotic or the people who join cause they need a job or can't afford college. I'm getting carried away now. Hey, how about Obama' dog? Great dog. Think he ever sees it or plays with it? I wonder if he takes it to the Oval Office. Do you think he craps on the white house lawn, not Obama, his dog. That would be a good job, cleaning up after the first dog.
      I guess I end here. This turned out to be something totally different that what I started to write but hey I'm old and the mind kind goes off on it's own some times. HAVE A NICE DAY.